LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/utility - LG_msort3.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: LAGraph code coverage report. Commit id: d62650f. Current time (UTC): 2025-03-01T16:20:22Z Lines: 119 119 100.0 %
Date: 2025-03-01 16:22:27 Functions: 4 4 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       2             : // LG_msort3: sort a 3-by-n list of integers, using A[0:2][ ] as the key
       3             : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       4             : 
       5             : // LAGraph, (c) 2019-2022 by The LAGraph Contributors, All Rights Reserved.
       6             : // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
       7             : //
       8             : // For additional details (including references to third party source code and
       9             : // other files) see the LICENSE file or contact See
      10             : // Contributors.txt for a full list of contributors. Created, in part, with
      11             : // funding and support from the U.S. Government (see Acknowledgments.txt file).
      12             : // DM22-0790
      13             : 
      14             : // Contributed by Timothy A. Davis, Texas A&M University
      15             : 
      16             : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      17             : 
      18             : // A parallel mergesort of an array of 3-by-n integers.  Each key
      19             : // consists of three integers.
      20             : 
      21             : #define LG_FREE_ALL LAGraph_Free ((void **) &W, NULL) ;
      22             : 
      23             : #include "LG_internal.h"
      24             : 
      25             : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      26             : // prototype only needed for LG_msort3
      27             : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      28             : 
      29             : void LG_msort_3b_create_merge_tasks
      30             : (
      31             :     // output:
      32             :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT L_task,        // L_task [t0...t0+ntasks-1] computed
      33             :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT L_len,         // L_len  [t0...t0+ntasks-1] computed
      34             :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT R_task,        // R_task [t0...t0+ntasks-1] computed
      35             :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT R_len,         // R_len  [t0...t0+ntasks-1] computed
      36             :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT S_task,        // S_task [t0...t0+ntasks-1] computed
      37             :     // input:
      38             :     const int t0,                       // first task tid to create
      39             :     const int ntasks,                   // # of tasks to create
      40             :     const int64_t pS_start,             // merge into S [pS_start...]
      41             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT L_0,     // Left = L [pL_start...pL_end-1]
      42             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT L_1,
      43             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT L_2,
      44             :     const int64_t pL_start,
      45             :     const int64_t pL_end,
      46             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT R_0,     // Right = R [pR_start...pR_end-1]
      47             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT R_1,
      48             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT R_2,
      49             :     const int64_t pR_start,
      50             :     const int64_t pR_end
      51             : ) ;
      52             : 
      53             : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      54             : // LG_msort_3b_binary_search: binary search for the pivot
      55             : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      56             : 
      57             : // The Pivot value is Y [pivot], and a binary search for the Pivot is made in
      58             : // the array X [p_pstart...p_end-1], which is sorted in non-decreasing order on
      59             : // input.  The return value is pleft, where
      60             : //
      61             : //    X [p_start ... pleft-1] <= Pivot and
      62             : //    X [pleft ... p_end-1] >= Pivot holds.
      63             : //
      64             : // pleft is returned in the range p_start to p_end.  If pleft is p_start, then
      65             : // the Pivot is smaller than all entries in X [p_start...p_end-1], and the left
      66             : // list X [p_start...pleft-1] is empty.  If pleft is p_end, then the Pivot is
      67             : // larger than all entries in X [p_start...p_end-1], and the right list X
      68             : // [pleft...p_end-1] is empty.
      69             : 
      70         196 : static int64_t LG_msort_3b_binary_search    // return pleft
      71             : (
      72             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT Y_0,         // Pivot is Y [pivot]
      73             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT Y_1,
      74             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT Y_2,
      75             :     const int64_t pivot,
      76             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT X_0,         // search in X [p_start..p_end_-1]
      77             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT X_1,
      78             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT X_2,
      79             :     const int64_t p_start,
      80             :     const int64_t p_end
      81             : )
      82             : {
      83             : 
      84             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
      85             :     // find where the Pivot appears in X
      86             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
      87             : 
      88             :     // binary search of X [p_start...p_end-1] for the Pivot
      89         196 :     int64_t pleft = p_start ;
      90         196 :     int64_t pright = p_end - 1 ;
      91        3030 :     while (pleft < pright)
      92             :     {
      93        2834 :         int64_t pmiddle = (pleft + pright) >> 1 ;
      94             :         // less = (X [pmiddle] < Pivot)
      95        2834 :         bool less = LG_lt_3 (X_0, X_1, X_2, pmiddle,
      96             :                              Y_0, Y_1, Y_2, pivot) ;
      97        2834 :         pleft  = less ? (pmiddle+1) : pleft ;
      98        2834 :         pright = less ? pright : pmiddle ;
      99             :     }
     100             : 
     101             :     // binary search is narrowed down to a single item
     102             :     // or it has found the list is empty:
     103             :     ASSERT (pleft == pright || pleft == pright + 1) ;
     104             : 
     105             :     // If found is true then X [pleft == pright] == Pivot.  If duplicates
     106             :     // appear then X [pleft] is any one of the entries equal to the Pivot
     107             :     // in the list.  If found is false then
     108             :     //    X [p_start ... pleft-1] < Pivot and
     109             :     //    X [pleft+1 ... p_end-1] > Pivot holds.
     110             :     //    The value X [pleft] may be either < or > Pivot.
     111         196 :     bool found = (pleft == pright) && LG_eq_3 (X_0, X_1, X_2, pleft,
     112             :                                                Y_0, Y_1, Y_2, pivot) ;
     113             : 
     114             :     // Modify pleft and pright:
     115         196 :     if (!found && (pleft == pright))
     116             :     {
     117         100 :         if (LG_lt_3 (X_0, X_1, X_2, pleft,
     118             :                      Y_0, Y_1, Y_2, pivot))
     119             :         {
     120           2 :             pleft++ ;
     121             :         }
     122             :         else
     123             :         {
     124             : //          pright++ ;  // (not needed)
     125             :         }
     126             :     }
     127             : 
     128             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     129             :     // return result
     130             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     131             : 
     132             :     // If found is false then
     133             :     //    X [p_start ... pleft-1] < Pivot and
     134             :     //    X [pleft ... p_end-1] > Pivot holds,
     135             :     //    and pleft-1 == pright
     136             : 
     137             :     // If X has no duplicates, then whether or not Pivot is found,
     138             :     //    X [p_start ... pleft-1] < Pivot and
     139             :     //    X [pleft ... p_end-1] >= Pivot holds.
     140             : 
     141             :     // If X has duplicates, then whether or not Pivot is found,
     142             :     //    X [p_start ... pleft-1] <= Pivot and
     143             :     //    X [pleft ... p_end-1] >= Pivot holds.
     144             : 
     145         196 :     return (pleft) ;
     146             : }
     147             : 
     148             : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     149             : // LG_msort_3b_create_merge_tasks
     150             : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     151             : 
     152             : // Recursively constructs ntasks tasks to merge two arrays, Left and Right,
     153             : // into Sresult, where Left is L [pL_start...pL_end-1], Right is R
     154             : // [pR_start...pR_end-1], and Sresult is S [pS_start...pS_start+total_work-1],
     155             : // and where total_work is the total size of Left and Right.
     156             : //
     157             : // Task tid will merge L [L_task [tid] ... L_task [tid] + L_len [tid] - 1] and
     158             : // R [R_task [tid] ... R_task [tid] + R_len [tid] -1] into the merged output
     159             : // array S [S_task [tid] ... ].  The task tids created are t0 to
     160             : // t0+ntasks-1.
     161             : 
     162         452 : void LG_msort_3b_create_merge_tasks
     163             : (
     164             :     // output:
     165             :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT L_task,        // L_task [t0...t0+ntasks-1] computed
     166             :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT L_len,         // L_len  [t0...t0+ntasks-1] computed
     167             :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT R_task,        // R_task [t0...t0+ntasks-1] computed
     168             :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT R_len,         // R_len  [t0...t0+ntasks-1] computed
     169             :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT S_task,        // S_task [t0...t0+ntasks-1] computed
     170             :     // input:
     171             :     const int t0,                       // first task tid to create
     172             :     const int ntasks,                   // # of tasks to create
     173             :     const int64_t pS_start,             // merge into S [pS_start...]
     174             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT L_0,     // Left = L [pL_start...pL_end-1]
     175             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT L_1,
     176             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT L_2,
     177             :     const int64_t pL_start,
     178             :     const int64_t pL_end,
     179             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT R_0,     // Right = R [pR_start...pR_end-1]
     180             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT R_1,
     181             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT R_2,
     182             :     const int64_t pR_start,
     183             :     const int64_t pR_end
     184             : )
     185             : {
     186             : 
     187             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     188             :     // get problem size
     189             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     190             : 
     191         452 :     int64_t nleft  = pL_end - pL_start ;        // size of Left array
     192         452 :     int64_t nright = pR_end - pR_start ;        // size of Right array
     193         452 :     int64_t total_work = nleft + nright ;       // total work to do
     194             :     ASSERT (ntasks >= 1) ;
     195             :     ASSERT (total_work > 0) ;
     196             : 
     197             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     198             :     // create the tasks
     199             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     200             : 
     201         452 :     if (ntasks == 1)
     202             :     {
     203             : 
     204             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     205             :         // a single task will merge all of Left and Right into Sresult
     206             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     207             : 
     208         256 :         L_task [t0] = pL_start ; L_len [t0] = nleft ;
     209         256 :         R_task [t0] = pR_start ; R_len [t0] = nright ;
     210         256 :         S_task [t0] = pS_start ;
     211             : 
     212             :     }
     213             :     else
     214             :     {
     215             : 
     216             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     217             :         // partition the Left and Right arrays for multiple merge tasks
     218             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     219             : 
     220             :         int64_t pleft, pright ;
     221         196 :         if (nleft >= nright)
     222             :         {
     223             :             // split Left in half, and search for its pivot in Right
     224         144 :             pleft = (pL_end + pL_start) >> 1 ;
     225         144 :             pright = LG_msort_3b_binary_search (
     226             :                         L_0, L_1, L_2, pleft,
     227             :                         R_0, R_1, R_2, pR_start, pR_end) ;
     228             :         }
     229             :         else
     230             :         {
     231             :             // split Right in half, and search for its pivot in Left
     232          52 :             pright = (pR_end + pR_start) >> 1 ;
     233          52 :             pleft = LG_msort_3b_binary_search (
     234             :                         R_0, R_1, R_2, pright,
     235             :                         L_0, L_1, L_2, pL_start, pL_end) ;
     236             :         }
     237             : 
     238             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     239             :         // partition the tasks according to the work of each partition
     240             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     241             : 
     242             :         // work0 is the total work in the first partition
     243         196 :         int64_t work0 = (pleft - pL_start) + (pright - pR_start) ;
     244         196 :         int ntasks0 = (int) round ((double) ntasks *
     245         196 :             (((double) work0) / ((double) total_work))) ;
     246             : 
     247             :         // ensure at least one task is assigned to each partition
     248         196 :         ntasks0 = LAGRAPH_MAX (ntasks0, 1) ;
     249         196 :         ntasks0 = LAGRAPH_MIN (ntasks0, ntasks-1) ;
     250         196 :         int ntasks1 = ntasks - ntasks0 ;
     251             : 
     252             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     253             :         // assign ntasks0 to the first half
     254             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     255             : 
     256             :         // ntasks0 tasks merge L [pL_start...pleft-1] and R [pR_start..pright-1]
     257             :         // into the result S [pS_start...work0-1].
     258             : 
     259         196 :         LG_msort_3b_create_merge_tasks (
     260             :             L_task, L_len, R_task, R_len, S_task, t0, ntasks0, pS_start,
     261             :             L_0, L_1, L_2, pL_start, pleft,
     262             :             R_0, R_1, R_2, pR_start, pright) ;
     263             : 
     264             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     265             :         // assign ntasks1 to the second half
     266             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     267             : 
     268             :         // ntasks1 tasks merge L [pleft...pL_end-1] and R [pright...pR_end-1]
     269             :         // into the result S [pS_start+work0...pS_start+total_work].
     270             : 
     271         196 :         int t1 = t0 + ntasks0 ;     // first task id of the second set of tasks
     272         196 :         int64_t pS_start1 = pS_start + work0 ;  // 2nd set starts here in S
     273         196 :         LG_msort_3b_create_merge_tasks (
     274             :             L_task, L_len, R_task, R_len, S_task, t1, ntasks1, pS_start1,
     275             :             L_0, L_1, L_2, pleft,  pL_end,
     276             :             R_0, R_1, R_2, pright, pR_end) ;
     277             :     }
     278         452 : }
     279             : 
     280             : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     281             : // LG_msort_3b_merge: merge two sorted lists via a single thread
     282             : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     283             : 
     284             : // merge Left [0..nleft-1] and Right [0..nright-1] into S [0..nleft+nright-1] */
     285             : 
     286         256 : static void LG_msort_3b_merge
     287             : (
     288             :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT S_0,              // output of length nleft + nright
     289             :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT S_1,
     290             :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT S_2,
     291             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT Left_0,     // left input of length nleft
     292             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT Left_1,
     293             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT Left_2,
     294             :     const int64_t nleft,
     295             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT Right_0,    // right input of length nright
     296             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT Right_1,
     297             :     const int64_t *LG_RESTRICT Right_2,
     298             :     const int64_t nright
     299             : )
     300             : {
     301             :     int64_t p, pleft, pright ;
     302             : 
     303             :     // merge the two inputs, Left and Right, while both inputs exist
     304     3688060 :     for (p = 0, pleft = 0, pright = 0 ; pleft < nleft && pright < nright ; p++)
     305             :     {
     306     3687804 :         if (LG_lt_3 (Left_0,  Left_1,  Left_2,  pleft,
     307             :                      Right_0, Right_1, Right_2, pright))
     308             :         {
     309             :             // S [p] = Left [pleft++]
     310     1668324 :             S_0 [p] = Left_0 [pleft] ;
     311     1668324 :             S_1 [p] = Left_1 [pleft] ;
     312     1668324 :             S_2 [p] = Left_2 [pleft] ;
     313     1668324 :             pleft++ ;
     314             :         }
     315             :         else
     316             :         {
     317             :             // S [p] = Right [pright++]
     318     2019480 :             S_0 [p] = Right_0 [pright] ;
     319     2019480 :             S_1 [p] = Right_1 [pright] ;
     320     2019480 :             S_2 [p] = Right_2 [pright] ;
     321     2019480 :             pright++ ;
     322             :         }
     323             :     }
     324             : 
     325             :     // either input is exhausted; copy the remaining list into S
     326         256 :     if (pleft < nleft)
     327             :     {
     328         176 :         int64_t nremaining = (nleft - pleft) ;
     329         176 :         memcpy (S_0 + p, Left_0 + pleft, nremaining * sizeof (int64_t)) ;
     330         176 :         memcpy (S_1 + p, Left_1 + pleft, nremaining * sizeof (int64_t)) ;
     331         176 :         memcpy (S_2 + p, Left_2 + pleft, nremaining * sizeof (int64_t)) ;
     332             :     }
     333          80 :     else if (pright < nright)
     334             :     {
     335          80 :         int64_t nremaining = (nright - pright) ;
     336          80 :         memcpy (S_0 + p, Right_0 + pright, nremaining * sizeof (int64_t)) ;
     337          80 :         memcpy (S_1 + p, Right_1 + pright, nremaining * sizeof (int64_t)) ;
     338          80 :         memcpy (S_2 + p, Right_2 + pright, nremaining * sizeof (int64_t)) ;
     339             :     }
     340         256 : }
     341             : 
     342             : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     343             : // LG_msort3: parallel mergesort
     344             : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     345             : 
     346         111 : int LG_msort3
     347             : (
     348             :     // input/output:
     349             :     int64_t *A_0,       // size n array
     350             :     int64_t *A_1,       // size n array
     351             :     int64_t *A_2,       // size n array
     352             :     // input:
     353             :     const int64_t n,
     354             :     char *msg
     355             : )
     356             : {
     357             : 
     358             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     359             :     // check inputs
     360             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     361             : 
     362         111 :     LG_CLEAR_MSG ;
     363         111 :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT W = NULL ;
     364         111 :     LG_ASSERT (A_0 != NULL, GrB_NULL_POINTER) ;
     365         111 :     LG_ASSERT (A_1 != NULL, GrB_NULL_POINTER) ;
     366         111 :     LG_ASSERT (A_2 != NULL, GrB_NULL_POINTER) ;
     367             : 
     368             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     369             :     // handle small problems with a single thread
     370             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     371             : 
     372         111 :     int nthreads = LG_nthreads_outer * LG_nthreads_inner ; // # threads to use
     373         111 :     if (nthreads <= 1 || n <= LG_BASECASE)
     374             :     {
     375             :         // sequential quicksort
     376         105 :         LG_qsort_3 (A_0, A_1, A_2, n) ;
     377         105 :         return (GrB_SUCCESS) ;
     378             :     }
     379             : 
     380             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     381             :     // determine # of tasks
     382             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     383             : 
     384             :     // determine the number of levels to create, which must always be an
     385             :     // even number.  The # of levels is chosen to ensure that the # of leaves
     386             :     // of the task tree is between 4*nthreads and 16*nthreads.
     387             : 
     388             :     //  2 to 4 threads:     4 levels, 16 qsort leaves
     389             :     //  5 to 16 threads:    6 levels, 64 qsort leaves
     390             :     // 17 to 64 threads:    8 levels, 256 qsort leaves
     391             :     // 65 to 256 threads:   10 levels, 1024 qsort leaves
     392             :     // 256 to 1024 threads: 12 levels, 4096 qsort leaves
     393             :     // ...
     394             : 
     395           6 :     int k = (int) (2 + 2 * ceil (log2 ((double) nthreads) / 2)) ;
     396           6 :     int ntasks = 1 << k ;
     397             : 
     398             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     399             :     // allocate workspace
     400             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     401             : 
     402           6 :     LG_TRY (LAGraph_Malloc ((void **) &W, 3*n + 6*ntasks + 1, sizeof (int64_t),
     403             :         msg)) ;
     404             : 
     405           4 :     int64_t *T = W ;
     406           4 :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT W_0    = T ; T += n ;
     407           4 :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT W_1    = T ; T += n ;
     408           4 :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT W_2    = T ; T += n ;
     409           4 :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT L_task = T ; T += ntasks ;
     410           4 :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT L_len  = T ; T += ntasks ;
     411           4 :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT R_task = T ; T += ntasks ;
     412           4 :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT R_len  = T ; T += ntasks ;
     413           4 :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT S_task = T ; T += ntasks ;
     414           4 :     int64_t *LG_RESTRICT Slice  = T ; T += (ntasks+1) ;
     415             : 
     416             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     417             :     // partition and sort the leaves
     418             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     419             : 
     420           4 :     LG_eslice (Slice, n, ntasks) ;
     421             :     int tid ;
     422             :     #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads) schedule(dynamic,1)
     423          68 :     for (tid = 0 ; tid < ntasks ; tid++)
     424             :     {
     425          64 :         int64_t leaf = Slice [tid] ;
     426          64 :         int64_t leafsize = Slice [tid+1] - leaf ;
     427          64 :         LG_qsort_3 (A_0 + leaf, A_1 + leaf, A_2 + leaf, leafsize) ;
     428             :     }
     429             : 
     430             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     431             :     // merge each level
     432             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     433             : 
     434           4 :     int nt = 1 ;
     435          12 :     for ( ; k >= 2 ; k -= 2)
     436             :     {
     437             : 
     438             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     439             :         // merge level k into level k-1, from A into W
     440             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     441             : 
     442             :         // this could be done in parallel if ntasks was large
     443          48 :         for (tid = 0 ; tid < ntasks ; tid += 2*nt)
     444             :         {
     445             :             // create 2*nt tasks to merge two A sublists into one W sublist
     446          40 :             LG_msort_3b_create_merge_tasks (
     447          40 :                 L_task, L_len, R_task, R_len, S_task, tid, 2*nt, Slice [tid],
     448          40 :                 A_0, A_1, A_2, Slice [tid],    Slice [tid+nt],
     449          40 :                 A_0, A_1, A_2, Slice [tid+nt], Slice [tid+2*nt]) ;
     450             :         }
     451             : 
     452             :         #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads) schedule(dynamic,1)
     453         136 :         for (tid = 0 ; tid < ntasks ; tid++)
     454             :         {
     455             :             // merge A [pL...pL+nL-1] and A [pR...pR+nR-1] into W [pS..]
     456         128 :             int64_t pL = L_task [tid], nL = L_len [tid] ;
     457         128 :             int64_t pR = R_task [tid], nR = R_len [tid] ;
     458         128 :             int64_t pS = S_task [tid] ;
     459             : 
     460         128 :             LG_msort_3b_merge (
     461         128 :                 W_0 + pS, W_1 + pS, W_2 + pS,
     462         128 :                 A_0 + pL, A_1 + pL, A_2 + pL, nL,
     463         128 :                 A_0 + pR, A_1 + pR, A_2 + pR, nR) ;
     464             :         }
     465           8 :         nt = 2*nt ;
     466             : 
     467             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     468             :         // merge level k-1 into level k-2, from W into A
     469             :         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
     470             : 
     471             :         // this could be done in parallel if ntasks was large
     472          28 :         for (tid = 0 ; tid < ntasks ; tid += 2*nt)
     473             :         {
     474             :             // create 2*nt tasks to merge two W sublists into one A sublist
     475          20 :             LG_msort_3b_create_merge_tasks (
     476          20 :                 L_task, L_len, R_task, R_len, S_task, tid, 2*nt, Slice [tid],
     477          20 :                 W_0, W_1, W_2, Slice [tid],    Slice [tid+nt],
     478          20 :                 W_0, W_1, W_2, Slice [tid+nt], Slice [tid+2*nt]) ;
     479             :         }
     480             : 
     481             :         #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads) schedule(dynamic,1)
     482         136 :         for (tid = 0 ; tid < ntasks ; tid++)
     483             :         {
     484             :             // merge A [pL...pL+nL-1] and A [pR...pR+nR-1] into W [pS..]
     485         128 :             int64_t pL = L_task [tid], nL = L_len [tid] ;
     486         128 :             int64_t pR = R_task [tid], nR = R_len [tid] ;
     487         128 :             int64_t pS = S_task [tid] ;
     488         128 :             LG_msort_3b_merge (
     489         128 :                 A_0 + pS, A_1 + pS, A_2 + pS,
     490         128 :                 W_0 + pL, W_1 + pL, W_2 + pL, nL,
     491         128 :                 W_0 + pR, W_1 + pR, W_2 + pR, nR) ;
     492             :         }
     493           8 :         nt = 2*nt ;
     494             :     }
     495             : 
     496             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     497             :     // free workspace and return result
     498             :     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     499             : 
     500           4 :     LG_FREE_ALL ;
     501           4 :     return (GrB_SUCCESS) ;
     502             : }

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